Category Archives: t.v.

Lost Update

We’re in the countdown now, to the final season of LOST, which airs February 2, 2009. Kinda a big event in our house – even though we probably won’t get to see it until after Feb 2, since we don’t … Continue reading

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No TV for Babies Please!

Years ago I read Four Arguments for the Elimination of TV by Jerry Mander and then immediately went and bought ten copies to give away. Mander eloquently gave voice to my existing niggling concerns about television watching and I have … Continue reading

Posted in babies, modernday hippiness, mothering, t.v. | 2 Comments

Truly Bloody

I am pretty hooked to my small stable of TV shows this season: Heroes, Sarah Connor Chronicles; and soon, Battlestar Galactica and Lost will be starting too. But the show I can’t get out of my mind is a new … Continue reading

Posted in t.v. | 2 Comments

I aim to do some misbehavin'

Just finished another whirlwind tour of a TV series, which seems to be the thing to do these days. The show is called Firefly and it aired for just one season in 2002. I’ve just now discovered on IMDb that … Continue reading

Posted in movies, t.v. | 2 Comments

The Downside of the Computer Age

It is very disappointing to watch a TV show series on DVD and catch up to the season. Here we are blissfully watching several episodes back-to-back of Grey’s Anatomy every night and then, abruptly there’s no more episodes left. None! … Continue reading

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next season last for lost?

Uh oh. Chad sent me this blurb from this article at “ABC’s Lost will become just that after another season or two — lost from the TV schedule, ABC Entertainment President Steve McPherson told the winter TV writers press … Continue reading

Posted in t.v. | 4 Comments

cute mug a plus (esp for bella)

Does this guy not look like Matthew Fox? Bella and I have been sucked into yet another whirlpool of TV series land. This one is called Wonderfalls (imdb 8.9/10.0) and is a kooky family comedy that takes place at Niagra … Continue reading

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Lost goes for the red-eye

I have just heard that when Lost starts up again Feb 4, 2007 that it will have a new show time: 10:00 pm !!!? What the?! No way can it survive that late? Who will stay up? and does TiVo … Continue reading

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Laguna Beach

As Chad’s niece is actually a senior at Laguna Beach High School this year, we keep tabs on all the furor over the television show, Laguna Beach (all seven of the main “characters” in the show attend that same high … Continue reading

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Kate is the weak link

Man, what a night for Lost. Two lives just hanging on a thread until February?! When are we getting back to this foot?

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