Category Archives: health
Clean Cleanse Debrief
Chad and I successfully completed a full 21 days of the clean cleanse. and with very little cheating. We both lost about ten pounds (me a little less, Chad a little more) and our stomachs and digestive system felt good. … Continue reading
It’s Viral
I stayed home with my sick kid today and as my co-instructor also had a sick kid, Forest Kindie was canceled today for the first time. As Christian is now so fond of saying, his eyes are all gummed up. … Continue reading
Hard, Fast, and Interrupted as Little as Possible
I took a CPR/First Aid class last weekend, as part of the stuff I have to do to be officially employed by Earthroots. Yesterday, I went to the Orange County Sheriff’s office on 11 Journey and got my live scan … Continue reading
Appreciation at 42
I sometimes complain about feeling old at the ripe age of 42, but a quote from a Nora Ephron interview (she wrote When Harry met Sally), gave me pause. She’s 69 years old and has just written another book about … Continue reading
Christian, Recovering
When I don’t post for a while, there is a backlog in my brain – but first things first: Christian is doing much better. A week after we’d been home from Korea, Christian had a fever on and off again … Continue reading
Rooms of Naked Korean Women
I feel very clean. Very very clean. Christian and I visited the bath house for the second time yesterday and I do believe that my father was right; all that soaking in warm water helped us sleep well and transition … Continue reading
A Soup for a Rainy Day and a Funny Feeling in Your Throat
We love this soup. It’s simple and tasty. Plus the copious amounts of garlic and ginger make it a good comfort soup for when Bella says she has a funny feeling in her throat. It’s from my sister-in-law, Corrina: “Here … Continue reading
Taking Care of Baby Teeth
One might think that since I played games with names like Who Can Go the Longest Without Brushing Their Teeth as a child that I might not be a good source of information on this particular topic. Public opinion has … Continue reading
High-Intensity Workouts
Whew boy. Somehow I got three shots of espresso into my body today, and well, here we are at nearly midnight and I’m out at the kitchen table typing away with squirrel-like rabid energy. I haven’t been missing my New … Continue reading
Grateful for
my impending health. After having been knocked flat on my heiny for about 24 hours. Although a child in our playgroup was (momentarily) suspected of having the measles, and the girl I drive home after school was diagnosed with bronchitis, … Continue reading