Category Archives: Thailand

A Lockpick, not a Locksmith

Songbae locked himself out of his room at Sue’s place in Bangkok, again. Here’s the video of the lockpick doing his thing. Songbae is suitably impressed (as he aspired to be a canny lockpick in his youth and once ordered … Continue reading

Posted in says Songbae, Thailand | Leave a comment

The Help

My sister’s family has a wonderful maid/nanny who is very well paid in terms of her peers. She is sweet, friendly, intelligent, hard-working – and she knows how to stay out of your way, which is important, I came to … Continue reading

Posted in books, Thailand | 13 Comments

Thai Street Music

[youtube=] [youtube=]

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Jetlag Blues

I’m going to have to pause before I even begin and make myself a cup of tea. I can hardly keep my eyes open. Christian went down for a nap an hour ago at 4 pm – I hope he’s … Continue reading

Posted in Thailand, travel | Leave a comment

Entering the Final Stretch

When I tell people that I’m going to be away for five weeks, I get a lot of head shaking and incredulous looks – but listen, one) a 20-flight is a loooo-oong ride for a 2-year old, so I’d better … Continue reading

Posted in Thailand | 7 Comments

Early Nurturing Instincts

Sometimes we are unpleasantly startled by a reflection of our own behavior in our children (like when they repeat a cuss word! at the appropriate moment!) and other times we have to give ourselves a pat on the back for … Continue reading

Posted in babies, mothering, Thailand | 3 Comments

The Dusit Zoo in Bangkok

We visited the city zoo this past weekend. One of the men in the Kenyan Dancers show explained that the elephants had been moved due to the protests, “They were crying when they heard the fighting.” [youtube=] Instead of peacocks … Continue reading

Posted in Thailand | 4 Comments

Thai Bugs

It’s been raining here. The rain brings out the millipedes. They’re as thick as my thumb and longer than my hand. Christian likes to watch them, like he watches snails at home. These guys are quicker, but just as hypnotizing. … Continue reading

Posted in critters, Thailand | 2 Comments

Today in BKK

I’m reaching the point in the trip where I’ve been here long enough to have developed a semi-life of my own; which means, I’m busy, just like when I’m at home. Today: Today was Songbae’s last day, so Christian and … Continue reading

Posted in Thailand | 2 Comments

Add Buddha to the Birthday List

May birthdays: May 7 Noi naa May 20 Mom May 21 Leela May 23 Christian May 25 me and yesterday was not only Buddha’s birthday, but also his day of enlightenment, and the day he died. (More specifically, that day … Continue reading

Posted in Thailand | 4 Comments