Monthly Archives: August 2008

Heavy Summer Reading

Being the officially uptight mother that I am, I didn’t want Bella spending her summer parked in front of her computer watching The OC reruns. A week or so after school got out, I asked Bella to read a book … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

The Pros and Cons of a Segway Tour

PROS: You get to ride a segway. You get to ride a segway. You get to ride a segway. CONS: As Songbae says, It’s almost as embarrassing as wearing a bluetooth. It costs $70 for three hours. It actually takes … Continue reading

Posted in washington d.c. | Leave a comment

How Babies Spread Love

Posted in Christian Holden | 5 Comments

Renter's Rights

Chad and I let out a collective sigh of relief when our security deposit from our last place arrived in the mail yesterday. A sigh of relief and a whoop of joy, because the deposit on our last place was … Continue reading

Posted in moving | 1 Comment

Learning to Laugh


Posted in Christian Holden | 6 Comments

Oriental-Style Noodles, Anchovy Flavor

During the move I discovered a stash of instant noodle soups called “Oriental-style Noodles, Anchovy Flavor.” Normally these kinds of things languish at the the back of my pantry, not because I don’t like them (anchovy sounds delicious to me!), … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Holden | Leave a comment

cousine cousine

Can you fathom that Sue was worried that her kid wouldn’t be as cute as Bella? Look at them – equally adorable!

Posted in Nabi Grace | 1 Comment

Hode de door!

This one is funny. I thieved it from and I justify this thievery because people have actually told me that they never go to read ??? I think she’s funny and she usually makes me laugh. Also I … Continue reading

Posted in Jeannie stamp-of-approval, youtube | Leave a comment

In Fond Memory

Our cute little pup died yesterday while Chad was at work. We believe she ingested something that her body couldn’t handle, because she had had the runs for about 12 hours prior. She was in her normal sleeping position when … Continue reading

Posted in Nabi Grace, poochie | 3 Comments

Cousin Cousine

Posted in Christian Holden, Nabi Grace | 6 Comments