Category Archives: books

Marcus is w1n5t0n is m1k3y

I still prefer holding a real-live book in my hand than a computer device, but a friend has just offered me her old kindle which I am going to give a try. Chad has been reading books exclusively on his … Continue reading

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Gillian vs Jillian

I’m up late again. Back from yet another midnight drop-off at LAX and over-caffeinated as per my custom. My third midnight cruise to LAX in the last month. My theory: airplane tix are so expensive these days that we can … Continue reading

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Digesting Words

From an Art in America magazine (Jan 2012) sitting in my bathroom, I read “Being a writer is like being a piece of photographic paper. Everything makes an impression upon you, and you have to stop and take stock of … Continue reading

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Reading My Eyeballs Out

  “…the wilderness had a clarity that included me.” I’m halfway through a book I started yesterday, and I have the sore eyeballs to prove it. Cheryl Strayed walked the Pacific Coast Trail by herself at age 26 to try … Continue reading

Posted in books, camping, hiking | 3 Comments

Two Mentions of Addis Ababa in One Week

I’ve been gone. I’ve been living in Addis Ababa for the last couple of weeks. I’ve just finished reading Abraham Verghese’s Cutting for Stone, and truly, I wish it weren’t over. Although now, my life seems ridiculously plentiful and straightforward … Continue reading

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Good Reads

I’m blessed to have extremely literate, well-read friends who share their favorite books with me. This comes in handy, because I don’t have much time, but I LOVE TO READ. I’d like to figure out which social networking site works … Continue reading

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The Help

My sister’s family has a wonderful maid/nanny who is very well paid in terms of her peers. She is sweet, friendly, intelligent, hard-working – and she knows how to stay out of your way, which is important, I came to … Continue reading

Posted in books, Thailand | 13 Comments

Giving In

It’s not the best book I’ve read in the last year – but aside from the occasional eyeball rolling, I did really enjoy Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Eat, Pray, Love. I think I resisted reading it, despite all the hype (it … Continue reading

Posted in books | 7 Comments

Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

The way my friend Sierra responded when I tried to show her this book mirrored my own reluctance to take on yet another fad – and then my quick acceptance and now championing of the book by Jeff Hertzberg and … Continue reading

Posted in books, food, recipes | 9 Comments

Racheting Down a Bedtime Routine

Have I not yet recommended you read Heaven on Earth: A Handbook for Parents of Young Children by Sharifa Oppenheimer? It is a excellent parenting resource and I recommend it HIGHLY. It is the book that we are reading book … Continue reading

Posted in babies, books, mothering, waldorf | 2 Comments