Monthly Archives: January 2008

Bangkok, Here I Come

I leave Friday for two weeks on EVA, which my sister assured me is a good airline. (Because their mascot is Hello Kitty?) All I know is that I am actually looking forward to the airplane food which will be … Continue reading

Posted in travel | 6 Comments

There Will Be Blood Review

Yesterday Chad and I went to the theaters by UCI to watch the first showing of There Will Be Blood (9.0/10.0 IMDb) and had we seen it in 2007, it would have made the 2007 top ten list for both … Continue reading

Posted in movies | 1 Comment

Four Month Pregnancy Update

I’ve just outgrown most of my pants, so I’m finally at the point where people might suspect that I am pregnant versus a buddha belly. However, when my girlfriends exclaim, Look at how big you’re getting! They aren’t talking about … Continue reading

Posted in pregnancy | 1 Comment

Top Ten Movies of 2007

Sheesh, I’ve only spent half of this year married to Chad, but I still feel like I have comprehensively seen every major player for the 2008 Oscar’s. When I looked over my list of movies watched in 2007, I was … Continue reading

Posted in movies, says chad | 3 Comments

New Year's Resolutions (kinda)

I have no excuses for not writing the last week, except that I simply fell out of the habit. And I can’t believe how easy that was. Perhaps it was the reality that after a year+ blogging daily that while … Continue reading

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