Category Archives: being womanly

License to Expand

No news on the pregnancy front until I have more blood drawn, either tomorrow or Monday. The pregnancy does explain many things; my sudden narcoleptic tendencies, for one. Yesterday during my lunch break I climbed into the back seat of … Continue reading

Posted in being womanly, pregnancy | 3 Comments

Two Lines vs One

Today I had my appointment with a midwife for a pelvic exam. I answered many questions, I had a physical exam, I had blood drawn, and I scheduled a lower abdomen ultrasound. The last thing the midwife asked me to … Continue reading

Posted in babies, being womanly, health | 6 Comments

More Girlish Pleasures

Well, perhaps girlish isn’t the right word – but I think the way I’m sociable is related to being a woman… A few weeks ago for instance, the friendly neighbor hollered from across the street, “Hey Jeannie! Are you interested … Continue reading

Posted in being womanly, books | 4 Comments