Monthly Archives: March 2007
Federal Study Indicates Moms Should Stay at Home
Another NYTimes article providing statistical weight to something teachers and mothers already intuitively know: kids who spend time in day care are more disruptive in the classroom than kids with mothers at home. The article is titled, “Poor Behavior is … Continue reading
Personalised Rock Candy
This is my latest wedding temptation: personalised rock candy from Australia. Sue introduced it to me first. In fact, she is strenuously trying to convince me to get some for my wedding as she discovered it too late to use … Continue reading
How Many in March?
It seems I let more plastic bags into my life than I thought. At the beginning of this month, I took on Tiff’s challenge to minimize the number of plastic bags I accepted during the month of March. I normally … Continue reading
Recalled Dog Food
Yikes! In an article titled, “Rat Poison Found in Pet Food Linked to 14 Deaths” in today’s NYTimes, I discovered that the brand I have been feeding Giselle has been recalled. (Read the article here.) I did a little more … Continue reading
human domino
You know what it’s like turning thirty-nine? It’s like being a human domino – one by one, all the folks I thought of as being my age are turning forty this year. My fortieth birthday ever approaches. reminds me of … Continue reading
Fruitcake Anyone?
Yup. Made about fifteen pounds of homemade fruitcake today. That’s a pound of butter, a dozen eggs, three nutmegs grated, 3 teaspoons of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon salt, 5 cups flour, 4 cups sugar, 4 1/2 pounds candied fruit, 4 pounds … Continue reading
The Secret Ingredient is Beer
Maya and I had our third cooking whirlwind last week – so fun! Besides making the requisite Rice Nut Burgers, we (Maya) made two casseroles of Chicken and Black Bean Enchilades. They turned out very delicious by all accounts. Maya … Continue reading
Corrina the photographer
Look at what a cute picture of my honey and his little sister! at the beach, hopefully near where Bella and I will be moving this summer.
Down to the wire
I am so close to finishing my thesis. Tomorrow night I meet my poet friend to edit the conclusion. To heighten the tension my printer is blown and I will have to print out my final draft someplace else. Argggh. … Continue reading
Downloading Movies
This short article in the NYTimes today hits the nail on the head about the time and complications involved in downloading movies (even legally). Folk love the idea that downloading a movie is easy and fast – but even if … Continue reading