Category Archives: growing old

Too Long for a Tweet

I woke up this morning to dozens of birthday wishes in my mailbox, some from folks I haven’t seen in over twenty years. That is the strangeness and hilarity this side of facebook. My parents sang me Happy Birthday as … Continue reading

Posted in family, growing old | Leave a comment

Bright-Eyed and Bushy-Tailed

is not what you want to be at almost midnight on a random Tuesday evening. So, I’ve been trying to prove my non-addiction to caffeine, by not having any. The result? Predictably, my first day I had a major headache … Continue reading

Posted in growing old | 1 Comment

human domino

You know what it’s like turning thirty-nine? It’s like being a human domino – one by one, all the folks I thought of as being my age are turning forty this year. My fortieth birthday ever approaches. reminds me of … Continue reading

Posted in growing old | 1 Comment


I’ve been thinking about time and energy in relation to love. I think time and energy might equal love. The amount of time I am willing to spend with a person or activity should be directly proportionate to the amount … Continue reading

Posted in dad says, growing old, relationships | Leave a comment

the brink of change

Well, I guess the fact that I’m up at 1:30 in the morning speaks for itself; I’m busier than usual these days. It never fails when I have something to procrastinate for – the degree of business is directly proportional … Continue reading

Posted in growing old, thesis | 1 Comment