Unlucky Day

Three unlucky things happened today – and I hope that’s the last of them.

First when Chad met me at LA Union Station (he biked, Christian and I took the train) he told me that somewhere along his route one of his bike locks had bounced off. It’s a shame because it was a combo lock and will probably never be useful to anybody again.

Then when I bought Chad his Metrolink ticket I inadvertently purchased a nonrefundable round trip when (obviously) he only needed a one-way. That was a minor thing but cost us about $8.

Finally, and most sadly, I lost my new camera today. It was a 10 megapixel Canon Elph and it was Chad’s  early birthday present to me.

*muffled sob*

At one gallery it was hooked to my belt and at the next gallery it was not. I think it may have dropped off on the subway when I sat down and there is about 1% chance that somebody honest found it and will turn it into the lost and found. Chad thinks it was pickpocketed and there is zero chance of recovery.

sigh. deep sigh.

He’s out in the living room counting my emergency stash of change (that I keep sorted by denomination in plastic juice jugs – I actually know somebody whose house burned up and the change she kept in glass jugs had exploded and was impossible to recover, while the change in the plastic jugs was kept safe: the plastic melted and became a form-fitted plastic sack around the coins.)

There goes the new mattress I was saving for.

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