Just a Very Small Piece of My Soul

I just put my very first bit of advertising on womantalk.

My brother asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told him I could use another nursing tank top, Mark Bittman’s book How To Cook Everything, or a springform pan. He told me to go ahead and get all three and to let him know how much and he would send a (electronic) check. (How’s that for efficiency?)

I immediately went to glamourmom.com and started sorting through colors and prices. I have two glamourmom tank tops and basically they’re what I wear every day of the week. I wear them by themselves and underneath anything. A third tank top will be useful because I plan to nurse Christian through another summer or two.

I like them because it’s a nursing bra and a tank top in one piece, which means I never have to show my midriff in public. People can gaze at the top of my busom all they want, and actually I don’t even care if they catch sight of a bit of aureole, but my muffin top? That’s private.

In any case, it turned out that if I became a “glamourmom,” I would get 20% of any purchase made with my code. If you click through the glamourmom ad in my right sidebar and make a purchase, it automatically gets credited to me! And that 20% accumulates in a glamourmom account and I can spend it on any products that glamourmom sells. I can even trade the glamourmom bucks in for cash if I want (but I assure I won’t – I love these tanks!)

Of course I didn’t read the fine print first, which says that I can’t earn glamourmom bucks with purchases I make myself or for any products shipped to my house. So now I need to find somebody to order and pay for my tank top from my brother. (Sierra??)

These tank tops make great gifts for any nursing mom in your life. If you’re thinking about buying one, please do it by going through my site here.


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