[I’ve noticed that a number of hits have come to this post looking for a printable oscar ballot for the 80th Academy Awards. This original post was about last year’s awards – so for your trouble, here is a link to this year’s printable ballot from oscar.com. It is the same one used by the Academy. Have fun.
I posted my own Top Ten Movies of 2007 with short reviews and links to IMDb here.]
A teacher at one of my school sites came up with a good idea. She’s having a contest to see who can guess the most correct winners for the oscars (79th Academy Awards). So just for fun, I am providing a pdf of the oscar ballot here (from oscar.com):
Btw, no superbowl snacking going on here. Drinking organic french roast cappuccino, eating leftover lasagne, and editing chapter 3 of the thesis with a friend – almost as fun as a superbowl movie day without football.