
I am calling upon my middle school drafting skills to hand letter all the wedding invitations. It’s fun and I am improving as I go along, so if your last name begins with a letter early in the alphabet… your invitation won’t look as nice as my guests whose last name begins with a “Z.” Sorry.

I have several calligraphy books at home, but I am still in Laguna, so I am using my Internet resources. For an example of Simple Italic Hand, try this site. For short sweet lessons in the upper case letters, try here.

I used to love practicing my calligraphy, and once I even did the program for my friend, Michelle Wolf’s, Bat Mitzvah. She acknowledged me as a “designer Jeannie,” as we were very into “designer jeans” back in the early 1980’s.

For the wedding invites though, I am not using a special calligraphy pen – just picked up a box of black ink Pilot Precise V5’s extra fine at Office Depot.

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