A Great Use of Craigslist

My brother recently posted this ad on craigslist:

“will trade excel lessons for how to create a web site lessons (north beach / telegraph hill)

Reply to: sale-389518984@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-08-04, 5:54PM PDThi,

i’m helping with my high school reunion and we’d like to put up a simple website that probably only has two screens 1) reunion details (location, cost, etc), and 2) list of classmates we don’t have contact info for. i need help setting it up and learning how to update it on my own. would be helpful if you had a computer or else we could go to an internet cafe.

i can teach you excel or help you do anything you want to with excel, e.g. create a budget, database, etc. open to other suggestions, e.g. i could go running with your dog on the weekends if you have one, give you a ride to airport, etc.



The very next day, he got this response:


I am interested in databases, creating budgets, formulas?
I think that google pages would work beautifully for your project, and its free.
When would you like to start?


How cool is that?

I didn’t have much occasion to use craigslist while I lived in Joshua Tree – but now that I am in south OC, there are zillions of people using craigslist all around me!

I especially like that Songbae offered to run with the person’s dog on weekends. When I was living in Montreal twenty years ago and training for the Marine Corps marathon, I borrowed my friend Richard’s dog, Elgin, for regular runs up Mount Royal. I felt safer and she got great exercise. Hmmm, that may be something to pursue again – except that I feel pretty safe running with my husband, in south OC…

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