A while back, Songbae sent me an email about setting goals. Apparently people who set goal regularly (in this study, four times a year: two personal, two business, and one health) are more likely to get what they want. This means setting goals in January, March, June, and September. That seems perfectly manageable, and in sync with my efforts to implement the Getting Things Done philosophy in my life – so here are my first set of goals (to be accomplished by January 2008):
Personal Goals
1. Implement GTD in all aspects of my life. That means no boxes of I-don’t-know-what left in any closets or in the garage.
2. Make emptying my inbox every Friday part of my weekly routine.
3. Have a job in the magazine industry and/or make at least another $1000 per month (that would be enough for me not to have to get a full-time job – so I am considering teaching at the local community college.)
4. 5,000 hits a day
5. Reach and maintain 115 pounds healthfully.
Via Corrina, via Dooce, I have just discovered blogher.com. It looks like a community of blogging women spreading and sharing information all around, the way we like to do best – by word of mouth. Looks worth checking out – and may help me reach goal #3. I started the process of registering womantalk.org there today. If you are interested, read “10 Ways to Jumpstart Your BlogHer Experience” here.