Mrs. Bikram

I understand that there is a modified version of the Bikram workout for pregnant women, but I haven’t got my hot little hands on a copy yet. So tonight, I started my pregnancy workout regime with the regular 1 1/2 hour Beginner’s session, without the heat. Each time I run through the paces with Bikram (on my ipod) I remember again how much I enjoy Bikram’s turn of phrase and yogic philosophy:

“Always remember one thing, that you have nothing to lose because you never had anything to begin with at the first place. Life and death is the same thing. Just struggle and try to kill yourself. The more you suffer, you must be happy; you’re getting more benefit from my class.”

“If any human being in this world can do cobra, locust, full locust, bow, you don’t have to chase the world; World is going to chase you. You don’t have to chase the god, God is going to chase you. You don’t have to chase the money; Money is going to chase you. You don’t have to chase the world, you don’t have to chase love, the whole world love is going to chase you; if you can have total control of your spine. Between the mind, the body and the rest of the world.”

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