Category Archives: cleaning tips

Letter to Christian at 2 years 2 months

[youtube=] Dearest Christian, While there are aspects of independence-seeking toddlerhood that drive me nuts (practicing your ability to say, I don’t want to go pee, when you clearly need to go – and then throwing a tantrum when I pull … Continue reading

Posted in cleaning tips | 2 Comments

An Update on the Bathroom Cleaning Manual

Last month I raved about Jeff Campbell’s book, Speed Cleaning (see the post here). Well, now I’ve begun putting his ideas in practice. That is, I’ve been cleaning house in our regular irregular way, swiping at noticeably smudged surfaces once … Continue reading

Posted in books, cleaning tips | 2 Comments

Very clean. Very fast. Very easy.

I know I often gush about new books I’ve found – but be advised (that yes! I’m enthusiastic!) that it’s because I don’t bother much with critiquing books that I didn’t like. Who has the time? and besides, by the … Continue reading

Posted in books, cleaning tips | 3 Comments

Our new best friend…

is rechargeable and eats dirt. His name is iRobot Scooba and we love him very much. A while back when I was wildly spending my brother’s reward points on ipods and gift cards to GAP Maternity, my sister was (just … Continue reading

Posted in cleaning tips | 1 Comment

wax removal

For years I have been thowing away any votive or tealight holder messed up with melted wax. Then recently, I read that you can clean candle holders by put them in the freezer – the frozen wax contracts and pops … Continue reading

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