Category Archives: homeschooling

Florida Summer Memories

I’m looking to book my flight to Boca this summer for another adventurous three weeks in hot steamy Florida. Two moms, five kids, we sure fit in a lot of fun. Here are some snaps of last year’s vacation, in … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling, travel, Uncategorized | Leave a comment


The stage was very simple with a single wooden workstand, a wooden crate, a mike, and a red fabric background. One guy ambled onto stage and began to tell a story by singing a story of the sea. Then he … Continue reading

Posted in art, homeschooling, SoCal attractions | Leave a comment

Mrs M on Not Homeschooling Young Children

Almost daily I read the posts of a yahoo message board called, Waldorf Home Educators, because the moderator of the group, Mrs. M, has wise things to say about child-rearing and schooling alike. Here is one post of hers that … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling, modernday hippiness, mothering, mrs. m | 2 Comments

Homeschooling 101

As Christian and his friends approach their fourth birthdays this year, there has been a lot of buzzing about schooling and homeschooling, because frankly most conventionally schooled kids are already in some “school” situation by this age. As a mom … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling, waldorf | 3 Comments

More Not-Back-To-School Camp Stuff

I know everybody thinks I’m exaggerating when say how much creativity and talent there is floating around camp, but it’s TRUE! These are teenagers, 12-19, and they are really getting on with their lives. The video below has one of … Continue reading

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NBTSC Oregon Session II, Summer 2011

[/caption] There was a beautiful swimming hole that we tried to visit every day. There were crayfish and newts. Here is a short video of some of the kids trying to WALK ON WATER. Hilarity abounded. And here’s another video … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling | 1 Comment

My Secrets Of Adulthood

In the midst of family visiting this week, I woke up with a start this morning and realized July 1 was a paperwork deadline for a $50 bonus. That’s TODAY. I have Christian down to nap and am busily writing … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling, Not Back To School Camp | Leave a comment

Not-Back-to-School Camp

Something I’m excited about, but haven’t had much chance to talk about (because my sister and brother are arriving in a week! yee-haw), is Not-Back-To-School Camp. I’m working there this year (again). I’ll be an advisor, which is like being … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling | 2 Comments

Dirt Under My Fingernails

This last Friday Christian and I participated in a monthly gleaning hosted by the local Irvine homeschooling group – where we went out for two hours and helped harvest, or in this case plant, food in the Incredible Edible Park. … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling, SoCal attractions, south OC | Leave a comment

Pre-spam Purple Tree Story

I don’t where I heard this story before I had email and was flooded with stories like it every week – perhaps it was in one of Sark’s books (when I used to own every one) – but I think … Continue reading

Posted in homeschooling | 1 Comment