Category Archives: korea

a dose of Korean women

Donna, the woman my brother is dating, is featured in KoreAm magazine! (Hey – they’re looking for a full-time staff writer in Gardena…note to self: apply for this position after finishing thesis.) And on the topic of Korean women; I’ve … Continue reading

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Korean flick-o-rama

We watched an excellent Korean movie last weekend. In Korean the title is Gwoemul and in English it is called The Host (imdb 7.3/10.0). Despite its unimpressive Imdb rating, this movie is now considered the all-time number one box office … Continue reading

Posted in korea, movies | 2 Comments

holy golden piglet!

According to this article in a Korea Times newspaper, the Year of the Golden Pig only comes around every 600 years. A child born this year will have good luck and great wealth. Government officials are predicting a 10% population … Continue reading

Posted in babies, korea | 2 Comments

Move over dooce

I have to say that metrodad’s blog is pushing dooce aside. I cannot stop reading it. I am vastly amused. It’s interesting! It sounds like his parents are wealthy and well-educated. First of all his mother was an airline stewardess, … Continue reading

Posted in blogs, korea | 5 Comments

Chosun Kalbi

While I am very pleased to be back in touch with my cousin and his family from Berekely – I have to say that one of the greatest side benefits has been getting introduced to good Korean restaurants in Los … Continue reading

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ai yah

If you say “ai yah” with the proper inflection, it is the commonly used Korean distress sound and can be equivalent to anything on a spectrum from “Oh dear” to “S***!” In this case I am working on including more … Continue reading

Posted in korea, thesis | 1 Comment

new year's resolutions

Korean tradition has the children bowing to their parents on New Year’s Day to show their respect. In return, the parents give the children a symbolic gift of money. Traditionally we also eat ttuk duk, which is a soup made … Continue reading

Posted in dad says, korea, to-do lists | 3 Comments

For the kimchi lover

I was hoping for some good recipes at this site – but it’s more of a fluff promo site on kimchi – still, the pics made me hungry. Note to self: must eat Korean food soon.

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Sometimes it’s just freaky being Korean. There was article in the NYTimes about Korea’s 5 million dollar video gaming industry – and how one million of the fifty million people living in Korea visit a “PC bang” (gaming room, pronounced … Continue reading

Posted in korea | 2 Comments