Happy Birthday Darlene!

One of my dearest friends turns sixty today. When I expressed surprise (I’m forty), she said, Yeah my dad was pretty shocked too – but he’s turning 90!!

Darlene, my thoughts are with you today and I’m thinking of all the wonderful qualities about you that I appreciate and love.

I love how you maintain a positive outlook on life.

I love how curious you are.

I love how deeply you are willing to investigate issues, even uncomfortable ones.

I love how you assimilate information and continue to grow.

I love how you are a role model for unschoolers.

I love how you involve yourself in improving the sense of local community.

I love how generous you are with your home for people to gather.

I love how you support other moms and parents by being a La Leche League leader, Bradley teacher, hosting moms-at-home meetings, speaking at conferences, and in other ways too numerous to mention.

I love that now that your children are grown that you still have a beautiful playroom in your home.

I love that you’ve made a tradition of Martinmas and that you put on a puppet show for the children every year.

I love your singing voice.

I love how you take care of your home – inside and out.

I love how you appreciate and take care of your husband.

I love how you raised your five amazing boys.

I love how you feed and welcome people into your home.

I love how resourceful and practical you can be.

I love how you massage,

And that you and I were dedicated to giving each other full body massages once a week for years!

I love how you take the time to take care of your body, spiritually, physically, and mentally, every day.

I love what a great communicator you are.

I love that we can talk for hours every week about anything under the sun.

I love how open you are to snuggling with girlfriends.

I love how you cultivate and nurture your friendships with women.

I love how I feel after we’ve spent time together.

I love how you give thoughtful and generous gifts. (I remember once you came to my door with a present – on YOUR birthday! Another time you snuck into my house to see what ceramic dishes I already had.)

Darlene, I don’t know if I’ve ever met somebody as committed to being the absolute best possible manifestation of herself as you are (except maybe my dad). You have not only been a loyal and loving friend for fifteen years, but you inspire me to be the best possible me as well.

I love you!

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