you’re thinking about food right now.
Although I thought I would skip the food stress around Thanksgiving – planning a couple night’s worth of meals for camping proved to require just as much foresight and preparation. True, I didn’t make cranberry sauce or pie crust today – but I did manage to make one loaf of fresh bread (to send along with Bella), one batch of oatmeal raisin cookies, one batch of flax muffins, AND several batches of braised cucumbers (they ARE a revelation!) I also ate my way through all the leftovers in the fridge and a good deal of the fresh produce.
We’re all packed up – and ready to hit the road at 3 am – yeah, that’s what traveling with Chad is like, we do crazy things like leave before the sun rises. I am going along with the plan though, because he errs on the side of caution and I don’t mind hanging out with hm over there sometimes. I know that driving five hours the day before Thanksgiving is a risky thing.
This is exciting. Montana de oro is one of those campgrounds that make it onto Best Beach Camping lists and the pictures I’ve seen have been spectacular.
The best part? We get to be outside for a solid 48 hours or so. The baby will LOVE that. (Friday night we’ll check into a hotel in Santa Barbara so we can hose off two days worth of dirt.)
The downer? Missing Tim’s brined turkey out in Joshua Tree. Have fun out there! We’ll be thinking about you.