the crazy lee

For those of you who know my brother, either as David or Songbae, you can now track him down in all his clean-cut investment persona at his new website. It looks a little like a corporate website for an airline (isn’t there a Song Airways?? that’s pretty close to Anyway, go there and you’ll see what I mean. He doesn’t have much up yet – there are a couple of old photos of him and Bella when she was still chubby-cheeked (one pic where they are resting on the concrete floor of a store in northern Thailand) Funny, when I googled him, there were several links to him through my blog and none of

The first songbae hit was Has anybody actually found that site useful?

In case you interested in the rest of the Lee tags; I am the nice Lee and Sue is the mean Lee. Who came up with those anyway, Rob Lang? Although in the end, I am probably the meanest; Sue, the craziest; and Songbae, the nicest. Wait, I think my mom might be meaner than me …
(reminder: Dad’s birthday on Friday)

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