Happy 40th, Little Sis!

As my little sister, you may have suffered the brunt of my critical eye – but not only did you survive my sibling torture, you have flourished in this world and really impressed the heck out of all of us – even me.

There are many things I really appreciate about you. And despite our general disregard of conventional boundaries and niceties when we communicate – I’ll try to keep this clean.

I love how much you make me laugh. I don’t know if anybody’s made me laugh harder.
I love your extreme generosity. It may seem easy for you to be generous now, because you make a good living, but I remember when you sent me part of your student loan to get me out of hole way back when.
I love that you are a fast-thinker.
I love that you take charge and shoulder responsibility easily and gracefully.
I love that you are an excellent problem-solver.
I love that you like to play games.
I love that you are physically strong and keep yourself in shape.
I love that you are adventurous and do things like take a Green Tortoise tour to Alaska by yourself.
I love that you love to camp and hike.
I love that we have to plan an action-packed, fun itinerary when you visit.
I love that you have an extraordinary talent for language: English, Korean, German, Thai, even some French…
I love that people love you from all over the world.
I love that you’ve lived abroad for more than ten years.
I love that you have a prodigious memory for jokes and bad song lyrics.
I love that there once was (is??) a Sue Lee fan club.
I love that you are well-traveled – so much so that when I gave you the movie “Once” and you asked if it was called “on-chay” (“eleven” in Italian, perhaps?)
I love that you gave birth naturally – twice!
I love that you married a good guy who fits in well with our family.
I love that you appreciate the finer things in life: chocolate, wine, cheese… caffeine.
I love that I can say anything to you.

You are the best sister anybody could ever ask for – and I MEAN IT!
Happy Birthday, Sue.

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