Holiday Photo Rejects

I’ve always been a stickler for holiday cards. It’s a way of reaching out to friends and family at least once a year – catching up and extending good wishes.
They’ve become more painful now that I have an extremely self-conscious female teenager who vetoes pretty much every photo I like, combined with the frustrations of trying to photograph her with her very active three-year old brother.
We’ve now attempted four separate photo shoots.
It’s painful.
I missed the 20% off sale at tinyprints.
And I missed the $5 off coupon at Costco.
But Christian is making out like a bandit (Lego prizes for cooperating…)
I’m resigned to joining the hordes in the Costco photo line in three weeks time. (Bella is now gone for two more weeks.)
I can always fall back to the French tradition of sending New Year’s cards some time in early 2012.


Tell me, does Bella look “funny” in this picture? This one was my top pick this year, which I am “not allowed” to use.

HER top pick was taken at the Spectrum mall at night time.  *grimace* At least in this one he is wearing some of the new clothes purchased for the occasion.

These are a few that didn’t make the cut…You’ll notice we’ve given up dressing Christian any differently and given in to his demands of being photographed with his babies, Baby Leela and Sterling.

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