last weekend of the year to-do list

1. Discuss the wedding guest list. (Apparently the thing to do is to make three lists: must invite, should invite, would be nice to invite…)

2. Put away Christmas decorations.

3. Bring live tree outside. (note: look into buying drip line stuff)

4. Review Bella’s scrapbook pile for 2005 (we save everything and then pick a few favorites at the end of the year).

5. Engagement photo shoot ??? (towards sunset, but where? in the Nat’l Park?)

6. See Children of Men, Dreamgirls, and (I forget the third movie Chad wanted to see)

7. Start reading The Purpose-Driven Life by Rick Warren.

8. Write my new year’s resolutions.

9. Find a Korean restaurant where we can eat ttok guk (rice cake soup) on New Year’s day. [n.b. none within an hour’s drive]

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