back to work

After 36 hours in bed I think I’m ready to go back to work. Luckily I’m working on a project for the next couple weeks that does not require as much showmanship as other aspects of my job seem to require. I think I had some kind of stomach flu which manifested itself as severe stomach cramps (luckily nothing runny – although that may be because I haven’t eaten), body ache and head ache. Today I am weak and if I keep my head still and move slowly I can manage. Nothing like yesterday where my head felt like a freezer full of cement on top of a wind-buffeted skyrise. Wearing a pair of my Michael Kors will keep me perked up. Chad called in sick for a third day in a row – unprecedented! Well, he actually went to work but his co-workers sent him back home after only 45 minutes. Poor guy.

Some disturbing thoughts about colds and flus from my friend Nathen (says they’re from wikipedia): The infectious cold “cloud” after a sneeze can hang around for an hour. And 30-40% of flus are caused by E. coli – can that be true? Ee-ew.

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