Buying Diapers

There is a market on the way to Sue’s work that changes vendors every single day of the month. How delightful is that? It changes every single day! (If you can read the prices, it is about 35 baht to the dollar.)

You get pretty much everything you need on the “soi” which means “street.” You eat on the soi, buy on the soi, hang out on the soi.

Today is Sue’s last day of work. Good thing, too. This morning she said she had thought she was going into labor during the night because she had had a painful contraction, but then that was it: just the one contraction, which I didn’t hear about until this morning. She got up after a good nine hours of sleep, but is taking another nap before she goes into work. She just has a brownie and a cup of hot Milo in her stomach; we’ll have a proper breakfast when she gets up a second time.

We’re getting closer! We’ve reviewed the contents of our packed bags, we’ve packed snacks, we’ve reviewed our birthing plan…

Now I’m headed out to Chinatown with a friend I met from my last time in Bangkok (a friend of Songbae’s) until I get that call. We’ll do a little wedding, baby, and souvenir shopping, although I am really looking forward to the weekend market at Chattachuk tomorrow, where I think I’ll get the best prices, that is, if Sue hasn’t gone into labor yet.

It’s rained the last couple of nights, cooling things off very slightly. Still steamy though.

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