Jeannie Lee, Freelance Writer

After dozens and dozens and dozens of job applications, I finally got a reply. A genuine, honest-to-goodness reply:

“Hi Jeannie Lee

Neeet name, you have, Miss Lee.Nice Web Page also…. This is a small time Pet Publication. I have people doing Dog and Cat care articles. I need human Interest story’s.. I just did one on the guy in Tokyo that was selling Austrian Lambs, for Poodles, “The cutest animal on earth” Over 2000 customers. Interesting yes?? Can’t find out if it’s true or not so you can get funny with it and embellish, much…. It will be just Orange County. A free bee droped off at the Petsmarts and Petcos, etc. Do 500 words do 1500. Most that contact me are Collage Students that just want to get Published locally. I pay $20.00 Sounds like fun, yes?? Do one do 5, I pay quick. Paypal Money Order or Check.”

Despite the creative spelling and suspicious punctuation, it was the ONLY reply I had received, so I sent back a polite email asking where I could find a copy of the publication.

No response to where I might find this free bee.

So I sent out more applications.

Finally two days ago I heard back from somebody at; a form letter explaining that because of the large quantity of inquiries (for the position of blogger reviewing bed and breakfast inns) that they were asking all applicants to write a press release promoting B & B gift certificates. If it was selected I would be paid $50. And I might have a job reviewing up to twenty B & B’s throughout the States.

After a few hours researching the website – I came up with a few marketing ideas and outlined them in an email.

And I wrote my press release and sent it shortly afterwards.

Later last night I got an email back: a bone fide real-live person response.

She liked it! I’m getting paid! More work is coming! AND SHE WANTS TO KNOW WHICH STATES I PREFER!

My first freelance writing gig!

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