There is a pleasure in the pathless woods – Lord Byron

We caught the 1:30 show of Into the Wild (imdb 8.4/10.0) today and the theater was full – midday on a weekday! Yes, it was the only local theater where it was playing, but still they had it playing on two screens starting at 11:15 am. Written and directed by my old favorite bad boy, Sean Penn, this movie was surprisingly creative and original.

It’s about a kid who’s just graduated from Emory, scoffs at civilized society, and makes for the Alaskan wilderness. Who hasn’t wanted to do what this guy dared to really do? Burn money and follow his dream? Run into amazing people on the road? Read favorite authors over and over again while camping in Slab City? Discover truths…

Good film – and heart-wrenching. Nice performances by Catherine Keener and William Hurt too. Chad and I give it an A-.

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