procrastination meets the power drill

At lunch last week (great Korean food in Inglewood, exit Western on the 405), Corrina innocently asked me if I was going to use the same process of organization for this rewrite of my thesis, You know the one you did on the back of wrapping paper. As it often does, it took me a minute to understand what she meant.

During one of my earlier drafts of my thesis, I had done a large bubble flow chart of my thesis – trying to corral all my notes into something cohesive. In my collegiate past, I had mostly relied upon a standard outline formula to organize my thoughts – but a thesis is more complicated and unruly, so I had resorted to bubble flow. The problem was that no piece of paper was large enough to contain even pared-down notes for an 80-page paper, so I had used the back of some christmas wrapping paper – about three feet’s worth. Then, once I had sorted out which ideas were going into which chapter, I had done a more proper outline on regular-sized printer paper. Of course, further down the line, I had ditched that all together and pulled the paper into sixteen parts, in an attempt to develop each piece more deeply.

Today – now, I am back to the drawing board and I thought about another bubble chart in see where my new ideas were going to fit in. I started a new bubble chart in my journal but quickly ran out of space and went hunting for bigger paper. I had no luck rummaging through the almost-clean garage; I’ve given away all my old wrapping paper (moved onto handmade gift bags) and even the chart paper from my classroom is gone. Then I spied a large sheet of white pressed board about door-size. Did I dare? See for yourself. It’s either ultimate procrastination – or I have finally found a way to get started.

08-14-06_1331.jpg My perfect drawing board.

I can’t post anymore today, but in the meantime, check this site out and see what you think. It appears to be one-minute audio vacations…

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