how to post files by converting files to pdf

For my work blog this weekend, I wanted to post the new pacing chart for our school district, but I couldn’t do it without losing all the formatting and I was going crazy.

Luckily, Chad taught me a new computer trick, which saved my powerbook from a thrashing.

1. First, he showed me where to get a free pdf converter, called primo.pdf (btw, this is for windows only as far as we can tell).

2. I installed the freebie program,

3. I opened the document I wanted to convert.

4. Then I went to the file menu and clicked on PRINT (counter-intuitive, I know).

5. From the drop-down box, where you usually choose what printer you want, click primopdf. And the conversion happens like magic.

6. Now you can upload the file onto a blog saving all formatting – or you can use it for providing access to bigger docs, like a thesis for example.

Now, let it be known that I am pretty embarrassed by the thesis as it stands right now, but it is what I turned in last summer… and since somebody asked, I am posting it here, in case you want to read it (70 pags) and give feedback. It is the thing I am rewriting right now: jeanniesthesis.pdf

Besides, nobody else, not a single person who has asked for my thesis has actually read it and gotten back to me… (not including the friend who proofed it over dinner, the guy I paid to critique it in the early stages, the boyfriend, and the thesis committee.) So, I’m probably safe, right?

P.S. In order to read a pdf file, you will need acrobat reader, which can be downloaded for free here.

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