Miami Pics

The main strip of fancy hotels where we did the bulk of our shmoozing and networking (and non-alcoholic drinking).

In the lobby of the Delano, my favorite lobby of the aforementioned fancy places.

Mannequin boobs – hmm, just as big as the ones we see in California…

Lobster paella being served with a flourish at the Miami Art Museum opening – I’m showing this pic in lieu of the one of me and Jules, the kind gentleman twice my age who took care of me for the evening (even after he learned I was married).

Some of the “alternative” art fairs were housed in great buildings like this one. This is a glance back at the entrance from inside NADA.

Random art performance at the Art Positions opening. I think it’s a guy breathing in the air of his own portable biosphere.

Vizcaya Museum, where the Artist’s Ball was held – the word is that it was built by one of John Deere’s sons (the gay one) as a personal mansion. Check the link to get the full effect of its magnificence. Too bad we got there late, my feet were killing me, and I was sober…

In front of the Vizcaya Museum. I know I don’t look sober, but believe me I was very sober. Sober enough not to be terribly amused by riding back to South Beach piled 10 in a taxi driven by a cabbie wearing a santa hat who kept shouting back to us, “You’re hooking me up, right?!”

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