Category Archives: art basel miami

Margie Livingston

I’ve been writing and thinking about Margie Livingston’s recent sculptures this week. And then somewhere along the line, I started flipping through her old paintings. I realized with a jolt that I already knew her work! In fact, she and … Continue reading

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I uploaded some photos of artwork using traditional yarn and thread crafts to my photobucket account only to get to my account today to find this little notice: It took me a minute to realize that it had been an … Continue reading

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Miami Pics

The main strip of fancy hotels where we did the bulk of our shmoozing and networking (and non-alcoholic drinking). In the lobby of the Delano, my favorite lobby of the aforementioned fancy places. Mannequin boobs – hmm, just as big … Continue reading

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After waking up at 5 am to catch my shuttle (that’s 2 am for my not-yet acclimated west coast body), I first needed to zone out, nap heavily, eat my bagel sandwich and drink my free airplane ginger ale before … Continue reading

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Tonight I met one of the two artists I wrote about in my master’s thesis: George Bures Miller. He is as nice a guy in real life as he was in all the emails we exchanged. (He told me he … Continue reading

Posted in art, art basel miami, thesis | 1 Comment

So This is Miami

I know I live in southern California, twenty minutes from gorgeous Laguna beaches, but I discovered this morning, that’s not the same thing as being in Miami. We rolled out of bed this morning and headed straight to the beach … Continue reading

Posted in art, art basel miami | 1 Comment


It’s funny, now that I’m a mother I am ultra-prepared when I travel, even when I’m on my own with no kid to mind. Good thing too, because on the plane they ran out of turkey sandwiches ($5/each) before they … Continue reading

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