Category Archives: blogging trick

A Rockyou slideshow

I thought I’d try making a slideshow of these Bella photos. She was delighted to find out had she had to wear glasses…but she only does if it works with her look for that day. [rockyou id=64474052&w=426&h=320] Some cool features … Continue reading

Posted in blogging trick | 1 Comment

web 2.0

This is me bumbling about the computer, too congested to focus on any one thing in particular. I’ve only just heard about this concept or style or philosophy called Web 2.0. Apparently the key word is TRANSPARENCY. That is, you … Continue reading

Posted in blogging trick, blogs, blogs I read | 3 Comments

wrapping text

When I stay home, so many things get done. Today, I spent the morning at Bella’s soccer game (so far they are undefeated); shopped for groceries at the farmer’s market and grocery store; made a deposit at the bank; cleaned … Continue reading

Posted in blogging trick | 2 Comments