Category Archives: thesis

that's exciting!

Two people have downloaded the first chapter of the thesis! Maybe one of them will read it and give me feedback. I think it’s much better than the draft I turned in last summer. At this time the only people … Continue reading

Posted in thesis | 2 Comments

Goethe quote from Barthe's A Lover's Discourse

Just cut this line from the thesis. It’s lived through many a draft (and is now immortalized in the catalog essay being published next month) but tonight it got cut out of the thesis. “Either woe or well-being, sometimes I … Continue reading

Posted in relationships, thesis | Leave a comment

It's getting close…

I spent the entire weekend going over every word of my draft with my friend Ellen. (Thank you Ellen!!) I’m thinking that it’s getting pretty close to being done. I’ve typed in all the changes to the first chapter/intro (which … Continue reading

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Gordon Matta-Clark Retrospective

Aw geez. I was thinking about planning a little ski trip to Brianhead, Utah for spring break the first week of April, but now it’s looking like I’d rather go to NYC and see all the art there right now. … Continue reading

Posted in art, nyc, thesis | 2 Comments

thesis pain versus wedding planning pain

In my first year of writing my thesis, one of the original members of my thesis committe (Alison Pearlman, who wrote Unpacking the Art of the 1980s) made this casual comment: Maybe you should just forget the old draft and … Continue reading

Posted in marriage, thesis | 2 Comments

It's official – I'm going to be a published writer!

Barcelona, 15 January 2007 Jeannie Lee P.O. Box 1742 Joshua Tree, CA 92252 USA Dear Jeannie Lee: This letter requests your permission to use fragments of texts from your thesis “Intimacy in the Works and Collaborations of Janet Cardiff and … Continue reading

Posted in books, thesis | 6 Comments

sick again

I’ve called in sick again as my throat is sore. But that will give me time to work on my thesis at home as well. I am not going to jinx my new thesis schedule by publishing it this time. … Continue reading

Posted in movies, thesis | 1 Comment

warming up the writing fingers

I have a zillion thoughts racing through my head and I have to take a moment to shoo them away before I can settle down and work on my thesis. Somebody suggested that I get my admin credential. Does that … Continue reading

Posted in thesis | 3 Comments

staying focused

The earl grey from Harrod’s is distinctly better than the earl grey that came in a piggy bank tin painted like a double decker bus. The flavor is more delicate and refined and the caffeine doesn’t give me a rude … Continue reading

Posted in thesis, writing | 1 Comment

ai yah

If you say “ai yah” with the proper inflection, it is the commonly used Korean distress sound and can be equivalent to anything on a spectrum from “Oh dear” to “S***!” In this case I am working on including more … Continue reading

Posted in korea, thesis | 1 Comment