Daily Archives: May 4, 2006

buying a house

Escrow closed on my house last week; I am officially a home-owner! It is a small 3-bedroom, 2-bath on .82 acres fenced with a two (ha, ha) car garage.  I got it for $188,000. Yes, houses are still affordable if … Continue reading

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more stuff I watch

My top three movies from the last six months (perhaps the last year – but I can't remember that far back…) 1. Grizzly Man (IMDb 8.1/10)- Yup, I know I can't believe it's at number one either, but remember when … Continue reading

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why i'm applying for another job

Public school teachers are the ditch diggers of the academic world. There is little respect and yet we are expected to pay special attention to every individual student and do lots of stuff for free. The work is repetitive and … Continue reading

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