Daily Archives: February 27, 2007

Debriefing the Oscars

Well, it all went pretty much as expected (and as I predicted) – both Helen Mirrin and Forrest Whittaker sure deserved their best actor awards, and I’m glad that Alan Arkin (grandpa in Little Miss Sunshine) won best supporting over … Continue reading

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nice quote about art

This quote by Styrian artist Werner Reiterer arrived in my email today embedded in an eflux ad: “I believe that art per se is actually always about to develop new rules as to how one may perceive the world” I’ll … Continue reading

Posted in art | 3 Comments

books rec's from a well-read friend

On Tuesdays Bella likes to go home and sleepover at her friend’s house;  a friend who has TV reception, so that they can watch Desperate Housewives and Gilmore Girls (saved by TiBo). I’ve never watched Desperate Housewives myself, but I … Continue reading

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