Daily Archives: April 15, 2007

Mazel Tov!

We have made some more wedding progress: Chad and I agreed upon an officiant, Dr. Inge Davidson of the Church of Cosmic Energy Exchange and she has agreed to perform our ceremony. So now we begin thinking about the ceremony … Continue reading

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Better Than Photocopying Your Butt

Chad’s dad, Al, shared this link with me. It takes you to the website of Katinka Matson, an artist who makes her images by scanning live objects.

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A Rockyou slideshow

I thought I’d try making a slideshow of these Bella photos. She was delighted to find out had she had to wear glasses…but she only does if it works with her look for that day. [rockyou id=64474052&w=426&h=320] Some cool features … Continue reading

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Belated San Fran Post

Some nice things we did: walk along the waterfront at sunset, eating fried calamari… visit the Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park… And some things Songbae should take advantage of that are in his neighborhood: Mara’s Italian Pastry at … Continue reading

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