Daily Archives: April 30, 2007

Art in Bangkok

Last time I was in Asia (three years ago), Bella and I got to see lots of contemporary art in Seoul and Tokyo, but consistently got lost trying to find galleries in Bangkok. This time I was armed with a … Continue reading

Posted in art, Thailand | 1 Comment

Giselle with Boyfriend

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More Info on the Pet Food Recall

Another article in today’s NYTimes – this time exploring the regular use of melamine (a coal by-product) in China to fake-boost protein content in pet foods. Now it seems that up to 16,000 pets in the U.S. may have fallen … Continue reading

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No Hurry

I used to really love getting mix tapes (and CD’s) from friends. Today’s equivalent of a mix tape is a playlist. My honey made me a playlist to listen to while I was away from him. Just ten songs long … Continue reading

Posted in ipod, says chad | Leave a comment