Monthly Archives: July 2007

These Little Bitty Dogs

Go to this link to read a short article at Yahoo news about a brave chihuahua (not Giselle, a different one).   Otherwise known as Turkey.

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Two More Reasons to Love South OC

Just got back from NYC yesterday; it’s a little strange to be calling this new place home, but I don’t miss the desert one bit. And it’s wonderful to be reunited with my husband. I’m sore all over though… we’ve … Continue reading

Posted in south OC | 1 Comment

Birth, Marriage, and Death

Boy, is my brother giving me a hard time, “You write about the wedding for three months and then it happens and you don’t post about it? Do you want to lose every reader you have?!” Sheeeeesh. So, for those … Continue reading

Posted in marriage, wedding for $2000 | 3 Comments

Guess what we did tonight?

Posted in books | 1 Comment

The Camera and Running Sneakers are a Dead Giveaway

This is how nerdy I look as a New York Tourist. Notice the camera hooked to the belt buckle and the borrowed Jansport backpack.

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spikes vs bird poop

The metal spikes they use to keep away the pigeons are FREAKY and give me shivers whenever I see them. I know that the birds are not getting speared, but still, they bring forth images of medieval torture. I never … Continue reading

Posted in architecture, nyc | 1 Comment

The Food Subculture at the Back of Blimpies

Today was a happy, hot, sweaty New York day (but not without the requisite irritation with the teenagers). After a tiny bit of lazing around this morning, the girls became excited by the prospect of delicious bagels for breakfast so … Continue reading

Posted in nyc | 2 Comments

Chinatown Bus Debrief

We made it to New York. I am still a little irritated by the two teenage girls I am traveling with, but it’s getting better. I think, because being in the City just cheers me up, period. Although, it is … Continue reading

Posted in nyc, travel | 2 Comments

All of D.C. is a Photoshoot Backdrop

And if I could be bothered to post the hundreds of photos we took downtown I could prove it to you. The only real interest Bella and Dawkins have in the national monuments is how good can Bella and Dawkins … Continue reading

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Craving Baby

Nabi Grace is back in Bangkok (and so are her parents), and I don’t know when I’ll see her next. Perhaps at Christmas? At which time she could be walking! As hard as it is to be away from my … Continue reading

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