Category Archives: architecture

Amy Yoes at CB1 Gallery

Amy Yoes’ white and black constructed installation fills the front room of the gallery like a haughty, well-bred aunt, who might prefer that you not mention the faint similarity to the mash-up of architectural ornament that is Disneyland’s ride, It’s … Continue reading

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San Diego Zoo

Last year Chad and I received annual passes to the San Diego zoo as gifts from his parents. Passes are great gifts. We’ve already gone three times – and enjoyed ourselves tremendously each visit. The last time, Bella even came … Continue reading

Posted in architecture, san diego, SoCal attractions | 1 Comment

spikes vs bird poop

The metal spikes they use to keep away the pigeons are FREAKY and give me shivers whenever I see them. I know that the birds are not getting speared, but still, they bring forth images of medieval torture. I never … Continue reading

Posted in architecture, nyc | 1 Comment

"Opening up view to the unvisible"

I want to see Gordon Matta-Clarks’s retrospective at the Whitney in NYC. It’s there until June 3, 2007 and Holland Cotter writes all about it here. I’m going to have so much fun when my thesis is done! (My absolute … Continue reading

Posted in architecture, art, nyc | Leave a comment

I wouldn't mind seeing this one

Despite what Nicolai Ouroussoff says in the NYTimes, this building takes a great photograph. It makes me wonder if I know anybody well enough to visit in Denver. Photo courtesy of NYTimes.

Posted in architecture | 2 Comments