Monthly Archives: January 2008

Bangkok to Beaches

Our holiday to the beach was fabulous. Sue did all the planning (thanks Sue!) and so we took a “VIP Taxi” (a privately-owned minivan taxi) from the house all the way to the hotel door at Hua Hin, which was … Continue reading

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Import/Export Closed

I’ve discovered what I will be bringing back from Thailand to the States: tons of second-hand baby clothes, diapers, diaper covers, and maternity clothes. Between that and my trip to the Bangkok Night Bazaar last night, my suitcase is officially … Continue reading

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Ari to Victory Monument

Hmm, I didn’t get into the pool once today, so I guess my vacation is heating up and getting more exciting. We’ve had some very pleasant evenings entertaining Sue and Joss’ friends, one of whom took me out this evening … Continue reading

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Conveying Movement

It always goes a bit like this: the first few days are slow and mellow and I guiltily think about all the culture I should be soaking up in Bangkok, instead of floating around in the pool with the baby … Continue reading

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Chillin' Like a Villain

Pictures can be so deceptive, implying stillness and steadiness where there is none. From all the photos I had seen on Nabi Grace, I had imagined her to be practically grown and adult-like, but she is definitely still a baby, … Continue reading

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First 24 Hours in Bangkok

Despite that I thought I was coming during peak season here in Thailand, which is winter time, and not supposed to be as hot – it is very, very hot. In fact, I have been in the pool five times … Continue reading

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LA to Bangkok in Twenty-two Hours

After eating twice (chicken with mushrooms and a bowl of spicy noodles), watching one silly Chinese movie (Back Dancers), reading one chapter (The Secret Life of Your Unborn Child), and a long nap, I woke up with a start and … Continue reading

Posted in Thailand | 1 Comment

Medieval Helpdesk

This is for anybody who has ever helped anybody else learn an apparently simple task. It made Chad laugh so hard that he choked, but then again he teaches a weekly beginner’s computer class where he routinely has to answer … Continue reading

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One Sheet of Art Paper

Another email floating through cyberspace with no names or authors attached… I picked my favorite five out of the twenty-six images that were included. I wonder what I would make? (Thanks for sending this along, Al.)

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And Now I Have to Repack

The beloved king of Thailand recently had his 80th birthday so the entire country had a holiday and wore yellow. I had just packed my suitcase full of yellow when I received this email from my sister: “i forgot to … Continue reading

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