Bella Update

Thx everybody for always asking about Bella. I’m happy to give updates. She seems to be adjusting well and having fun. She has been home twice for the weekend; Bella as guest rather than resident is a novel experience. We’re adjusting to her absence too.

Here are some pictures she sent me recently. And an email string between her and my brother, who gave her a pair of noise-canceling Bose headphones as a gift last year. That was a great gift idea for a student as serious as Bella. As it’s an email string, start from the bottom and read up.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Songbae
Date: October 24, 2011 6:12:55 AM PDT
To: Bella
Subject: Re: bose headphones

So you’re the cool kid with the cool uncle!

Business and public health would be good combo. But business and econ are pretty different. Are they combined as one major there? You take a couple econ classes in business but econ itself is considered liberal arts (like history) while business is considered professional (like engineering).

I like business but if I went back to school I would major in history or English. The most important thing is to learn critical thinking and the most helpful thing is learning to write well. You can learn all that finance and accounting stuff later.

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 3:14 AM, Bella wrote:
I haven’t actually seen any other kids using them.
By the way, I’m considering majoring in business/economics and minoring in public health! I’m going to sit through an econ lecture before i sign for any classes though!

On Oct 23, 2011, at 1:29 AM, Songbae wrote:

Haha, that’s great! Are they popular there?

On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 1:23 AM, Bella wrote:
I just wanted to tell you how much i LOVE my bose headphones! I seriously use them everyday. They are a necessity in college!

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