Blood Harmony

I’ve been listening to the Lester Family play and sing music for nearly 20 years. Both Bella and now Christian are growing up listening to “the baby Lesters.” Speaking of which, if you have babies or toddlers about, I highly recommend their CDs full of original music about co-sleeping and nursing babies – and lots of other delicious moments about raising babies attachment parenting style. All the songs are sung by some combination of the five Lester boys and their parents. Both Only My Mama and One More Person to Love are excellent and make great gifts for new families.

My personal favorite, though, is Homestyle Harmony, which teaches you to sing 4- and 5- part a cappella songs.

Of course, THE BEST, is seeing their current bluegrass band, Shadow Mountain, play live at Pappy and Harriet’s on Saturday night with a big plate of wood-fired grilled ribs in front of me. I plan to do that real soon.

Here are two of the Lester babies today – still making music lovely to my ears.

I saw this video first at Darlene’s blog, Living the Good Life, and loved it so much that I wanted it playing on my own site. They are playing a Stanley Brother’s gospel called Glory Land.

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