Category Archives: music

Blood Harmony

I’ve been listening to the Lester Family play and sing music for nearly 20 years. Both Bella and now Christian are growing up listening to “the baby Lesters.” Speaking of which, if you have babies or toddlers about, I highly … Continue reading

Posted in gifts, music | 3 Comments

Rockin’ Dudes

Sorry for the pain that the post on Christian’s accident may have caused you. I didn’t consider the alarm I would cause in other people’s minds in the midst of my own worry. Thank you for all the concerned emails … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Holden, music, youtube | 1 Comment

A Little Nostalgia for Yucca Valley

A music video set in my old town sent by an old teaching pal (thanks Candace!) The lyrics are great: Cactus wren on a Joshua tree, fill up your cup with pints of glee. Fire up the band and the … Continue reading

Posted in desert, Jeannie's Stamp of Approval, music, SoCal attractions, youtube | 1 Comment

Ha ha! and gulp.

You’ve probably already been dragged in front of a computer screen or two to watch a “literal video” – you know, where somebody spoofs an old music video by keeping the same video but singing different lyrics – often just … Continue reading

Posted in Jeannie's Stamp of Approval, music | Leave a comment

Musical Squares

Chad’s been playing this one ever since he got the link from his brother (the brother-who-may-not-be-named-on-the-web). It’s an interesting concept: some 100 odd squares inside a large square. When you click on a square it gets played; or rather, there’s … Continue reading

Posted in Jeannie's Stamp of Approval, music | 1 Comment


Me and Chad rocking out at the Muse concert last night. Can you see how the power of Muse is being transmitted directly into his brain? The Muse concert last night at a packed Verizon Amphitheater was excellent. The sound … Continue reading

Posted in music | Leave a comment

Cansei De Ser Sexy

Chad got six new albums (including Bloc Party’s Weekend in the City) this week. The new favorite song (not album) about the house is by a Brazilian band called Cansei De Ser Sexy. Talk about ethnic ambiguity. It also made … Continue reading

Posted in music, says chad | Leave a comment