Daily Archives: January 2, 2007

The writer's Secret

A line from a lovely essay about writing I just finished in the Dec. 25, 06 New Yorker by Orhan Pamuk. It’s called “My Father’s Suitcase.” “The writer’s secret is not inspiration – for it is never clear where that … Continue reading

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ai yah

If you say “ai yah” with the proper inflection, it is the commonly used Korean distress sound and can be equivalent to anything on a spectrum from “Oh dear” to “S***!” In this case I am working on including more … Continue reading

Posted in korea, thesis | 1 Comment

new year's resolutions

Korean tradition has the children bowing to their parents on New Year’s Day to show their respect. In return, the parents give the children a symbolic gift of money. Traditionally we also eat ttuk duk, which is a soup made … Continue reading

Posted in dad says, korea, to-do lists | 3 Comments