Daily Archives: January 9, 2007

engagment photo shoot

It would not be Chad’s idea of fun to get married in a church. So, we spent last Saturday afternoon and evening tromping around the desert looking for the biggest Joshua Tree to get married under. We drove up to … Continue reading

Posted in wedding for $2000 | 1 Comment

Move over dooce

I have to say that metrodad’s blog is pushing dooce aside. I cannot stop reading it. I am vastly amused. It’s interesting! It sounds like his parents are wealthy and well-educated. First of all his mother was an airline stewardess, … Continue reading

Posted in blogs, korea | 5 Comments

need a business idea?

Today while Bella and I were walking past the Lunchables section at the market she said, “I can’t wait until they make one that comes with Wheat Thins and a little can of Cheese Whiz.” (she actually said something like … Continue reading

Posted in says bella | Leave a comment

back to work

After 36 hours in bed I think I’m ready to go back to work. Luckily I’m working on a project for the next couple weeks that does not require as much showmanship as other aspects of my job seem to … Continue reading

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