Category Archives: desert

Two Things About Joshua Tree

I wish I were going to say, “Joshua Trees and burrowing owls” but I’m going to have to go with SWAMP COOLERS AND HULA HOES. Two things I never think about until I’m here and hula hoe-ing the whole damn … Continue reading

Posted in Christian Holden, desert, desert creatures | 4 Comments

A Little Nostalgia for Yucca Valley

A music video set in my old town sent by an old teaching pal (thanks Candace!) The lyrics are great: Cactus wren on a Joshua tree, fill up your cup with pints of glee. Fire up the band and the … Continue reading

Posted in desert, Jeannie's Stamp of Approval, music, SoCal attractions, youtube | 1 Comment

Ti-ti and Ganma

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Joshua Tree Camping Debrief

Back from two outrageous nights of camping in Joshua Tree National Park. I say outrageous, because it was three moms and seven kids. It was a lot of work, but very very worth it. I got to Joshua Tree Sunday … Continue reading

Posted in camping, desert, SoCal attractions | 4 Comments

Mental Note

The best place to sleep in the desert is outside. I went back to Joshua Tree this week as a visitor. Strange, how you can leave a place one day as a resident and come back as a visitor the … Continue reading

Posted in desert | 1 Comment

Mattias in Joshua Tree

Don’t miss this sweet little 12-minute documentary movie Maya’s brother, Mattias, made during his visit to Joshua Tree. You get to see the homestead side of Joshua Tree – including Maya and Damian‘s abundant garden, the solar oven, and the … Continue reading

Posted in desert, modernday hippiness | Leave a comment

say no to easy hikes

 My fiance’s parents lead monthly the Sierra Club hikes in the area (during hiking season, which around here is Sept-April). Instead of passing down family recipes, Ann and Al will be passing down a GPS full of hikes, an accumulation … Continue reading

Posted in desert, local entertainment | Leave a comment

looking for our wedding tree

If you come to our wedding, be prepared for a little hike. and here’s one of the many I liked. All photos by Corrina.

Posted in desert, wedding for $2000 | Leave a comment

That's a big one

One of the upsides of living in the desert is coming across these babies: gigantic tumbleweeds roaming the town ruthlessly leaning up against any post in their way.

Posted in desert, desert creatures | Leave a comment

beaumont fire

For those you interested in this fire, which is burning about 45 minutes from my house, here is an article from the NYTimes. It is relatively small (39,00 acres so far), but sadly four firefighters got trapped by the windblown … Continue reading

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