Monthly Archives: March 2010

Sharing the Love

For Oscar night I made a double layer devil’s food cake with a layer of raspberry and then smothered the whole thing in chocolate buttercream frosting. Waaaay better than angel’s food cake, in my opinion. But probably unnecessary to make … Continue reading

Posted in recipes | 3 Comments

Rube Goldberg

I don’t know who this band is, but their Rube Goldberg contraption is great. I love an obsessive, long, imaginative Rube Goldberg machine. [youtube=]

Posted in art, Jeannie's Stamp of Approval | 5 Comments

The Bedtime Routine

No joke, instituting a rather strict bedtime routine has been like MAGIC. All those nights when I knew Christian was exhausted we just couldn’t get him to tip over into slumberland – are in the past. Christian is often EAGER … Continue reading

Posted in babies, mothering | 1 Comment

High-Intensity Workouts

Whew boy. Somehow I got three shots of espresso into my body today, and well, here we are at nearly midnight and I’m out at the kitchen table typing away with squirrel-like rabid energy. I haven’t been missing my New … Continue reading

Posted in health | Leave a comment

San Diego Zoo

Last year Chad and I received annual passes to the San Diego zoo as gifts from his parents. Passes are great gifts. We’ve already gone three times – and enjoyed ourselves tremendously each visit. The last time, Bella even came … Continue reading

Posted in architecture, san diego, SoCal attractions | 1 Comment