Daily Archives: September 1, 2006

auf em clou

I think that’s German for “on the can,” which was the name of a zine  (maga”zine”) my friend participated in, back in the early 90’s. It was a group of women who wrote letters to each other, sharing information on … Continue reading

Posted in zines | 2 Comments

strange mind frame

I blame my last frenetic post on the strange book I just finished: Halldor Laxness’ Under the Glacier. It was so strange I can’t even give it a grade. I think it might be an attempt to answer a question … Continue reading

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dire desk straits

The problem with the desk getting piled too high, is then I can’t find my check book to pay the $7,363.79 credit card bill that was due today!!!! No need to panic, I am not a spend-o-holic (yes I am) … Continue reading

Posted in organizing | 2 Comments